
亨德森图书馆Henderson Library – Unitec Facilities by Wraight + Associates

作者: 2024-07-09暂无评论


景观设计师:Wraight + Associates

建筑师:Athfield Architects






Project Team

Landscape Architect : Wraight + Associates
Architect : Athfield Architects
Architect : Architectus
Client : Waitakere City Council
Project Status: Completed

Project Summary

This project comprises the public domain associated with the development of a new Waitakere Central Library, Citizens Advice Bureau, new Unitec Facility and car parking building.

Project Objectives

Catalyse investment in the nearby town centre area.
Generate a new urban identity for the city of Waitakere that is aligned to their Eco City ethos.
Integrate combined Library and Unitec uses.
Improve the city’s stream health through the integration of Water Sensitive Urban Design principles.
Improve circulation and connection to Henderson’s main street, provide integrated parking.

Key Features

Three new public plazas of varying intimacy that respond to distinct site adjacencies and provide flexible public space useable for gatherings of various scales.
External spaces are designed to extend and integrate internal building uses, layouts and themes.
A new landscape palette for Henderson comprising a modular suite of urban furniture pieces and pavement treatments (to be used city wide) along with a planting selection that reflects aspects of Waitakere’s cultural and natural life.
Implementation of planted stormwater treatment devices (rain gardens and swales) – providing ecological amenity as well as stormwater detention and treatment.
Implementation of a distinct urban character that is visually attractive, practical and able to accommodate site specific interpretation.
Integration of commissioned art projects.
Employs the city wide urban furniture suite along with some site specific furniture elements.
A new laneway slices between the library and unitec facilities referencing the deep cut gullies of Henderson’s two streams.


Silver Award NZILA for commercial/industrial/institutional design – 2008

To further information about this case study, please Download Here


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