
森林图书馆景观 MacDowell Colony Savidge Library by Reed Hilderbrand LLC

作者: 2024-07-09暂无评论

由建筑师Tod Williams Billie Tsien设计的历史悠久的Savidge图书馆的扩建,创造了一个新的开放空间供常驻艺术家聚集和合作。
作为全国最杰出的艺术家之一,麦克道尔在Monadnock地区的牧区景观中培育了数百名作曲家、表演家、作家、视觉艺术家和设计师。 该项目与Reed Hilderbrand正在进行的MacDowell超过200英亩的森林和草地的生态管理计划进行对话。

Expansion of historic Savidge Library, designed by architects Tod Williams Billie Tsien, occasioned the creation of a new open space for resident artists to gather and collaborate.

As one of the nation’s preeminent artist retreats, MacDowell has nurtured hundreds of composers, performers, writers, visual artists, and designers amid the pastoral landscape of the Monadnock region. This project is in dialog with Reed Hilderbrand’s ongoing plan for ecological management of MacDowell’s more than 200 acres of forest and grasslands.


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