
国际野生动物保护区基金会景观 International Fund for Animal Welfare by Stephen Stimson Associates

作者: 2024-06-28暂无评论

IFAW决定在野生动物保护区的边缘恢复一个占地5英亩的棕地,用于拟议的国际总部的新地点。 经过广泛的后工业清理和土壤整治,现场恢复到归化状态。 40,000平方英尺的建筑物被安排为三个相互联系的结构,以减少质量,并在一个土着斜坡冰川地貌的鼓林内恢复草甸草地的南面庭院。 选择了本地耐旱植物调色板,以获得生态效益,将场地重新连接到相邻的保护区,并为野生动物栖息地提供扩建场。 降雨期间的径流流入工程化的植被洼地,在那里测量清洁和渗透。 这个伦理学提供了一个由棕地和敏感水资源负担的地区进行雨水管理的模式。


IFAW decided to restore a five-acre brownfield on the edge of a wildlife sanctuary for the new location of their proposed international headquarters. After extensive post-industrial cleanup and soil remediation the site has been restored to a naturalized condition. The 40,000 square foot building is arranged as three interconnected structures to reduce mass and create a south facing courtyard restored with meadow grasses within a drumlin, an indigenous sloping glacial landform. A native drought tolerant plant palette was selected for ecological benefits, reconnecting the site to the adjacent conservation lands, and providing an extension site for wildlife habitat. Runoff during rainfall flows into an engineered vegetated swale, where measured cleansing and infiltration occurs. This ethic offers a model for progressive stormwater management in an area burdened by brownfields and sensitive water resources.


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