
哥伦比亚农场 Columbia Farm by leblanc jones

作者: 2025-01-02暂无评论

这个总体规划的设计改造了纽约东部哈德逊山谷的农业景观,以创建一个新的100英亩的农场,花园和果园,可持续,有机,全年生产。 总体规划结合了三个属性,布置新的车辆通行和排水; 周到定位新房,谷仓和温室; 并为种植水果和蔬菜创造最佳环境,全部为全景。 在物业的最高点,一个新的橡木树林提供了一个庇护的前景,从中可以看到有序的果园和树篱分布在起伏的地貌上。 该设计同样受到当地农场白话和简约简约的了解。


This master-planned design renovates an agricultural landscape in New York’s eastern Hudson Valley to create a new 100-acre farm complex with gardens and orchards for sustainable, organic, year-round production. The master plan combines three properties, laying out new vehicular access and drainage; thoughtfully locating a new house, barn and greenhouse; and creating optimal environments for growing fruits and vegetables—all featuring panoramic views. At the property’s highest point, a new grove of pin oaks provides a sheltered prospect from which to view the orderly orchards and hedgerows spread out over undulating landforms. The design is equally informed by the local farm vernacular and near-minimalist simplicity.

2016 NYASLA Honor Award

2015 BSLA Honor Award

Collaborators: LDa Architects

Images: Jane Messinger, Eric Roth


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