
森林木栈道Cathedral Boardwalk Trail

作者: 2024-07-21暂无评论

Hapa collaborated with Fricia Construction to provide design and construction services for the first boardwalk trail in Stanley Park. Extending 73m in length through wetland and forest, the cedar boardwalk reconnects Cathedral Trail to Rawlings Trail providing universal access through an otherwise unaccessible area of the park.

The boardwalk trail allows users to experience the wetland as well as afford better viewing for bird watchers in a prime nesting area. The Park Board engaged the Stanley Park Ecological Society throughout the design process to best site the bird viewing platforms and monitor nesting during construction. Close collaboration between Hapa and Fricia has resulted in a carefully sited and well constructed linear boardwalk that prioritizes minimal disturbance to the surrounding natural environment including all existing vegetation, snags and logs.


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