
美国圣路易斯森林公园核心区景观 Government Hill by Stephen Stimson Associates

作者: 2025-01-17暂无评论

Stephen Stimson Associates担任密苏里州圣路易斯1371英亩森林公园政府山区的首席设计师。 项目的挑战是创造一个当代的标志性景观,参与位于政府山顶的现有历史悠久的世博会馆。 该计划包括大型休闲活动和节日空间,ADA无障碍设施,保护公园林地花园和新喷泉。 详细地说,设计使用一条平缓的斜坡路径穿过一系列倾斜的护堤,连接平的草坪梯田。 为了强调地形,一些护堤上种植有多年生植物,草地和草地,在山坡上制造出色彩的飞机。 在山丘的中间露台上,一个用水射流动画的椭圆形喷泉池重现了需要更换的旧喷泉的景观和节日气氛。


Stephen Stimson Associates served as lead designer for the Government Hill area of the 1371-acre Forest Park in St. Louis, Missouri. The project challenge was to create a contemporary signature landscape that engaged the existing historic World’s Fair Pavilion at the top of Government Hill. The program included large open spaces for events and festivals, ADA accessibility, preservation of park woodland gardens and a new fountain. In detail, the design uses a gentle sloped path to pass through a series of sloped berms, connecting flat lawn terraces. To accentuate the landforms, some berms are planted with flowering perennials, groundcovers and grasses, creating planes of color on the hillside. At the middle terrace of the hill, an oval fountain pool animated with water jets recreates the spectacle and festive air of an old fountain which needed to be replaced.


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