
百年公园Centennial Park by Nelson Byrd Woltz

作者: 2024-04-14暂无评论

百年公园拥有纳什维尔地区常见的元素的缩影。公园有丰富的物理线索,关于地质学,水文学,生态学,人类文化,城市发展和公共卫生如何塑造了现场的土地和纳什维尔。这些土地嵌在这些嵌套的叙事中,通知了城市的形成;它也是一个生活公园,现在的纳什维尔人去体验他们的共同文化。音乐表演,艺术节目,户外戏剧,休闲娱乐等,为公园周边的城市景观提供公众聚集空间。 NBW领导设计并实施了位于纳什维尔田纳西州百周年纪念公园的Gustafson Guthrie Nichol总体规划。第一阶段包括Cockrill Spring的采光,目前在公园内地下运行。来自Cockrill Spring的淡水也将被泵入Watuga湖,湖泊疏通,可以持续改善水质。改善流通,创建各种新的花园,草地,音乐家角落的永久表演场地,以及重要历史关系的阐述,都是振兴园区的第一阶段。


Centennial Park features a microcosm of elements common to the Nashville area. The park is rich in physical clues as to how the geology, hydrology, ecology, human culture, urban development, and public health have shaped the land on the site, and Nashville. The land is embedded in these nested narratives that informed the City’s formation; and it is also a living park, where present-day Nashvillians go to experience their shared culture. Musical performances, arts programs, outdoor play, and recreation areas provide a space of public gathering and relief from the urban landscape that surrounds the park. NBW is leading the design and implementation of the Gustafson Guthrie Nichol masterplan for Centennial Park in Nashville TN. Phase One includes the daylighting of Cockrill Spring, currently running underground beneath the park. Fresh water from Cockrill Spring will also be pumped into Lake Watuga, and the lake dredged to achieve a sustainable improvement in water quality. Improved circulation, the creation of a variety of new gardens, meadow, a permanent performance venue for Musicians Corner, and the articulation of important historical connections are all facets of the first phase in the revitalization of the park.


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