
奥诺戈站保护总体规划asla Orongo Station Conservation Masterplan by Nelson Byrd Woltz

作者: 2024-07-14暂无评论

Orongo站是新西兰北岛东海岸一个3,000英亩的绵羊站。该站是1100年毛利人民大迁徙的着陆点,再次是库克队长在1769年发现新西兰时的船员。随后的殖民化由于不受管制的养羊而造成资源枯竭。在新西兰议会的批准下,NBW与当地环保官员和毛利族部落领导人合作,设计并实施了多项生产性农业经营,这是恢复过去100年生态破坏的恢复制度,一系列以白话文化环境为灵感的花园有助于塑造新西兰景观的影响。该项目的一个重要方面是将本土部落人民纳入设计过程。 NBW与土着毛利人部落合作,恢复仍在使用的财产的历史性公墓。通过各种设计策略,保护和揭示了毛利土石方建筑 – 防御结构,食品储藏坑等。



Orongo Station is a 3,000-acre sheep station on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The Station was the landing point for the Great Migration of Maori people in 1100, and again for Captain Cook’s crew when they discovered New Zealand in 1769. Subsequent colonization subjected the site to ongoing resource depletion as a result of unregulated sheep farming. With approval from New Zealand Parliament and in collaboration with local environmental officials and Maori tribal leaders, NBW designed and implemented multiple productive farming operations, a restoration regime to repair ecological damage of the past 100 years, a series of gardens inspired by vernacular cultural and environmental influences that have helped shape the New Zealand landscape. An important aspect of the project was the inclusion of native tribes people in the design process. NBW collaborated with the indigenous Maori tribe to restore a historic cemetery on the property that is still in use. Maori earthwork constructions – defense structures, food storage pits, and others – were preserved and revealed through various design strategies.

Over 500,000 trees have been planted to start reforesting the sheep-grazed land while still maintaining a farm that is even more economically viable than before forestation. Over 75 acres of fresh and saltwater wetlands have been restored and constructed. These projects have contributed to the local economy by providing opportunities for the local people to establish nurseries that supply trees and plants for ecological restoration. By integrating cultural and ecological landscape restoration with active, profitable agricultural operations, Orongo Station serves as a national model for sustainable land management.


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