
庭院bud and susie rogers garden by OLIN

作者: 2025-01-04暂无评论

阿克伦美术馆的Bud和Susie Rogers花园是给Akron社区的礼物。 OLIN与博物馆紧密合作,设计,用一系列露台的室外空间取代了一个地面停车场,包括一个欢迎的广场,一个灵活的草坪,蜿蜒的路径接壤的草原草,和林地再现的Cuyahoga的森林 谷国家公园。 艺术家被邀请使用空间创造干预和扩大艺术的创新对话。 整个花园还旨在欢迎一系列活动,包括内省,探索,表达,社交互动和难忘的艺术体验,由社区产生并由博物馆策划。


The Bud and Susie Rogers Garden at the Akron Art Museum is a gift to the community of Akron. OLIN worked closely with the museum on the design, which replaces a surface parking lot with a series of terraced outdoor spaces, including a welcoming plaza, a flexible lawn, a meandering path bordered by prairie grasses, and a woodland reminiscent of the forests of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Artists are invited to use the space to create interventions and expand the dialogue of art in innovating ways. The entire garden is also designed to welcome a range of activities, including introspection, exploration, expression, social interactions and memorable art experiences, generated by the community and curated by the museum.


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