
伊利街生态广场 Erie Street Plaza by Stoss

作者: 2024-10-10暂无评论

伊利街广场是威斯康星密尔沃基历史第三区的一个小城市广场。这个13000平方英尺的广场位于密尔沃基河与密歇根湖空气相通的地方。这是Milwaukee Riverwalk一系列公共空间活动者的最后一个环节,这是一个三英里的行人和自行车走廊,将密尔沃基市中心与新兴和重建的第三区,Beerline区和湖畔之间连接起来。项目的设计,伊利街广场的未来 – 用户、功能,城市环境一般是基础设施和工业;该空间缺乏邻居和潜在用户。该场地本身是一个地面停车场,受到恶劣环境条件的影响,包括湖面大风。是谁的?它将如何使用?这种不确定性,这种开放性,是其设计的核心。

灵活的领域:编程没有设置程序,没有直接的利益相关者,灵活性是关键。广场被认为是一个公民平原 – 简单明了,不限成员名额,这将促进社会和环境活动和拨款。该网站的杂色表面适应广泛的潜在用途和活动:艺术节,聚会,音乐会,电影,婚礼,节日,农民市场和冬季嘉年华,以及不太激烈的每天活动,如观船,钓鱼,日光浴和简单的悬挂。变形的表面,地理战略和混合生态学:设计策略+元素广场是一个低调的组合,简单的部分,熟悉和异国情调,脉搏与第三病房,河流步道,以及生态系统的这种独特融合。


PHOTOS:John December

Erie Street Plaza is a small urban plaza in the Historic Third Ward district of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The 13,000-square-foot plaza lies at the point where the Milwaukee River meets the Federal Channel as it empties into Lake Michigan. It is the final link in a series of public space activators along the Milwaukee Riverwalk, a three-mile pedestrian and bicycle corridor that connects downtown Milwaukee to the emerging and redeveloping Third Ward, Beerline Districts, and the lakefront beyond.At the beginning of the project’s design, the future of Erie Street Plaza – its users, its function, its programming, even its necessity – were undecided. The urban context was generally one of infrastructure and industry; the site lacked neighbors and potential users. The site itself was a surface parking lot, subject to harsh environmental conditions, including high winds off the lake. Who is it for? How will it be used? This uncertainty, this open-endedness, was at the core of its design.

FLEXIBLE FIELD: PROGRAMMINGWith no set program and no immediate stakeholders, flexibility was key. The plaza was conceived as a civic plain – simply articulated and open-ended – that would foster social and environmental activity and appropriation. The site’s variegated surface accommodates a wide range of potential uses and activities: art festivals, gatherings, concerts, movies, weddings, festivals, farmers’ markets, and winter carnivals, as well as less intense, every-day activities like boat-watching, fishing, sunbathing, and simply hanging-out.VARIGEATED SURFACE, TOPOGRAPHIC STRATEGIES, and HYBRID ECOLOGIES: DESIGN STRATEGY + ELEMENTSThe plaza is an understated assemblage of simple parts, both familiar and exotic, that pulse with the life of the Third Ward, the Riverwalk, and this unique confluence of ecological systems.


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