
东方城市公园Eastside City Park by Patel Taylor

作者: 2024-10-13暂无评论

Patel Taylor和Allain Provost成功地从国际比赛的两个阶段中脱颖而出,成为伯明翰设计伯明翰第一个新公园的赢家。 这是一个很好的机会,也是我们最受关注的一个机会。 该站点是一个漫长而狭窄的站点,它沿着千年一点的东面向东的Digbeth运河加入市中心,位于城市的东区再生区内。

该设计遵循我们的策略,即制定一系列具有逻辑而令人愉快的路线的定义空间,但是随着纵向或纵向方向的作用不同,增加了意义分层。 公园的长度有一个连续的叙述,而在较短的时间内,这个城市的旅途更是一片绿色。


Patel Taylor and Allain Provost successfully emerged from two stages of an international competition as the winners of the commission to design Birmingham’s first new park for over a century. This is a wonderful opportunity and one which has had our highest attention. The site is a long, narrow site which joins the city centre along the frontage of Millennium Point eastwards to the Digbeth canal and lies within the city’s Eastside regeneration precinct.

The design follows our strategy of making a sequence of defined spaces with a logical yet pleasurable route between them, but with added layering of meaning as these work differently in the lengthwise or traverse directions. The park’s length lends itself to a continuous narrative, while across its shorter dimension it is more a moment of green in a journey through the city.

Whether enjoyed as a sequence or individually, the spaces in the park make a variety of topographical, historical and formal connections to the city.


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