
布朗的海岛公园Brown’s Island Park by labindc

作者: 2024-04-14暂无评论

布朗的岛公园在詹姆斯河的一个海岛上,毗邻里士满市中心。最初由建于哈克萨尔运河的水力发电渠道建成,该水渠可追溯到19世纪初,该岛几十年来一直是工业碎屑的倾倒场所。当地公共/私人合作伙伴关系促进河边的振兴的决定促使该岛重新设计,通过一个新的步行桥和北部的Haxall运河步道将其连接到历史上的海滨的其余部分。公园除了连接功能外还有许多用途:野餐和午餐,市中心工作人员,表演场地,节日场地和河观/钓鱼。桥梁与海岛的平台作为节日和表演的位子。 Sycamores的树丛提供了一个阴凉的野餐区,而岛上的其余部分是开放的游戏和夏季节日。此外,废弃的锁的框架被修复并延伸到河流一个钓鱼码头和观察平台。


Brown’s Island Park is on an island in the James River, adjacent to downtown Richmond. Originally formed by the building of the Haxall Canal, a water-power channel dating to the early 19th century, the island had for decades been a dumping ground for industrial detritus. The decision by a local public/private partnership to spur revitalization of the riverfront prompted a redesign of the island, linking it to the rest of the historic waterfront by means of a new pedestrian bridge to the north and the Haxall Canal Walk to the east. The park accommodates many uses in addition to its linking function: picnics and lunches for downtown workers, performance venue, festival grounds and river viewing/fishing. The platform where the bridge meets the island serves as seating for festivals and performances. A grove of Sycamores provides a shady picnic area while the rest of the island is open for play and summer festivals. In addition, the framework of a disused lock was rehabbed and extended into the river a a fishing pier and viewing platform.

Designed by Jonathan Fitch with HOH Associates.


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