
康涅狄格大学University of Connecticut by Stephen Stimson Associates

作者: 2024-09-24暂无评论

位于旗舰校园的中心,两个新的社会科学建筑物位于霍默巴比奇图书馆和费尔菲尔德路,在校园里最活跃的行人走廊的交汇处。 现场设计务实,进步,为学生提高了建筑环境的意识。 从三楼教室可以看到一个广泛的绿色屋顶,沿着主要通道使用开放式铺路砖,雨水被导入一系列石板ales的生物群落。 在建筑物的种植环绕的露台提供了灵活的收集与不同的微气候。 大学的农业环境通过在周围的牧场和林地中发现的草和木本多年生植物的调色板进行探索。 通过研究和了解当地材料,植物群落和区域景观格局构想了网站元素。

Located in the heart of the flagship campus, two new social science buildings are located at the convergence of the Homer Babbidge Library and Fairfield Way, the most active pedestrian corridor that weaves through the campus. The site design is pragmatic and progressive at bringing a heightened awareness of the built environment to the student population. An extensive green roof can be seen from third floor classrooms, open cell pavers are used along major thoroughfares, and stormwater is directed into a series of bioswales lined with fieldstone gabions. Terraces surrounded by planting at the building entries provide flexible gathering with distinct microclimates. The University’s agricultural context is explored through the palette of grasses and woody perennials that are found in the surrounding pastures and woodlands. Site elements were conceived through study and understanding of local materials, plant communities and regional landscape patterns.


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