
英国布莱顿的“新街”商业步行街New Road, Brighton by Landscape project

作者: 2024-12-30暂无评论

英国布莱顿的“新街”商业步行街New Road, Brighton by Landscape project

Landscape Projects worked with Brighton and Hove City Council on the development of a Legibility Strategy for the town. It examined the pedestrian and visitor experience of the borough and in collaboration with Gehl Architects from Copenhagen, makes recommendations for transformations to the public realm.

The most significant project to date is New Road, a street laid out in the early 19th century to divert people away from The Prince Consorts’ new Brighton Pavilion. The street, which became run-down and dominated by traffic, has been redesigned as the city’s first shared surface, in which the street surface and furniture are laid out to encourage defensive driver behaviour.

Since its opening the street has become well-used and a centrepiece of the city’s Cultural Quarter. It has received numerous awards including the Civic Trust Award in 2009.



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