A mixed- uses complex comprises of Duty Free Shopping Center, Office and luxury Hotel. To create a landscape suitable for this urban modern lifestyle, series of courtyards had been used in sequential that move people from one space to the other in corporation with the architectural design from the main courtyard of shopping center to hotel and office vehicular drop off areas into the internal courtyards both indoor and outdoor spaces. Each spaces is formed by the enveloped of architectural corridor or buildings. Water feature has role to play as landscape connecting elements from one space to another which transfigured itself as a serene reflecting pool to energize series of fountain, cascading water, lilies pond and fish pond in various spaces. The design of hardscape elements employed articulation of the strong and simple geometry of the architecture to give it a harmonious and coherence images. In contrast, the planting design was in fashion of lush mixed tropical foliage which bring out more relax feeling to the space except row of toddy palm in the hotel’s center court that were planted in order to give the aligned column effect in Thai classical space.