
美国盐湖城溪流商业购物中心 City Creek Center by SWA

作者: 2024-07-27暂无评论

SWA为盐湖城市中心全国备受赞誉的City Creek Centre重建项目提供景观建筑和城市设计服务。该项目是最近几年在美国建造的最大的综合用途城市项目。 SWA的设计灵感来自于曾经穿越现场的城市河。标志性的流式水道在整个物业 – 在美国建造的最大的流动水道 – 提供了一个行人导向的绿色空间。景观设计的其他元素支持城市生活的整体概念,包括口袋公园,屋顶花园和整个项目的景观连接。该项目已获得LEED银级认证。


SWA provided landscape architecture and urban design services for the nationally acclaimed City Creek Center redevelopment project in downtown Salt Lake City. The project is the largest mixed-use urban project to be built in the US in recent years. SWA’s design takes its inspiration from City Creek which once traversed the site. The iconic stream-like waterway provides a pedestrian-oriented green space throughout the property— the largest flowing watercourse built on-structure in the US. Other elements of the landscape design support the overall concept of urban living, with pocket parks, roof gardens, and landscape connections throughout the project. The project has received LEED Silver certification.

LOCATION Salt Lake City, Utah

SCOPE Urban Design, Landscape Architecture

SIZE 25 acres/10 hectares


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