
Hagerty 海边的别墅 by leblanc jones

作者: 2024-07-07暂无评论

当我们为这座历史悠久的房屋设计新的地盘计划时,一片露骨的新英格兰海岸线条提供了挑战和机遇。该地区容易受到风暴潮的影响,房屋完全位于沿海银行的缓冲区内,海拔不到12英尺。沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)和马塞尔·布鲁埃(Marcel Breuer)的标志性的1938年房屋多年来已经有了很多变化。


An exposed section of rocky New England coastline provided both challenges and opportunities when we designed the new site plan for this historic house. The site is vulnerable to storm surges, and the house sits entirely within the buffer zone of the coastal bank, less than 12 feet above sea level. The iconic 1938 house by Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer had numerous alterations over the years. One alteration included the addition of a sprawling concrete terrace that blanketed the ground plane on the entire seaward side of the house and extended beneath the span of the building’s second floor. A simple and clear landscape plan, in deference to the structure’s spare geometric volumes, was designed with a goal to break the ground plane expanse with a variety of textures, including wood decking, stone terracing, native coastal plantings and lawn. A subtle pattern in the stone terrace helps define a pathway to the seawall and new stairs to the beach.

Collaborators: Axiom Architects

Images: Dean Kaufman


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