
异域种植的度假庭院 by Jamie Durie

作者: 2024-04-05暂无评论

这个迷人的位于好莱坞的花园,这个私人的中世纪住宅需要极致的户外室。  当地的建筑,可持续性和对环境的尊重 都是这一设计的基本要素。
“为了梦想和振奋” – 杰米的终极户外空间是将异域种植与空间联系起来,进行娱乐,工作,洗澡,甚至睡觉 – 将家庭“内向外”。 通过巧妙利用垂直的绿色墙壁,尽量减少游泳池周围的实用表面,而不牺牲绿地,结合超大的沙发床,带有火坑的休闲休息室和定制的户外厨房,这个花园是最终的度假庭院。



Enveloped by the dramatic Hollywood Hills, this private mid-century residence required the ultimate outdoor room. Paying homage to the mid-century house, the architecture of the local area, sustainability and respect for the environment and a sense of luxury and retreat were all fundamental elements of this design .

“To be dreamlike and uplifting” – Jamie’s ultimate outdoor room was to link exotic plantings with spaces for entertaining, working, bathing, and even sleeping – turning the home ‘inside-out’. With clever use of vertical green walls, to maximise practical surfaces around the pool without sacrificing green space, combined with oversized daybeds, a sunken lounge with fire pit and a custom-made outdoor kitchen, this garden is the ultimate sanctuary.


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