
野趣的住宅花园 madison alpine by Wittman Estes Landscape

作者: 2024-05-05暂无评论

一个城市庭院花园,一对与户外生活和园艺有着深刻联系的年轻夫妇。 木格栅是建筑边界的一部分,可以过滤房子内部的景观, 本地盆景松树种植在城市绿洲中唤起野性。


An urban courtyard garden for a young couple with deep connections to outdoor living and gardening. A living screen is part of a boundary wall around the property that filters views from inside the house and allows a feeling of intimate privacy and outward expansiveness to the landscape. Native bonsai pines and a high alpine planting palette were rescued from a defunct nursery and planted to evoke wild nature within an urban oasis.


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