
Lodestone高尔夫球场 by Design Workshop

作者: 2024-04-11暂无评论

Lodestone高尔夫球场通过大量使用原生草地,严格选拔的树木清理计划,以及高尔夫球场的独特场地特色战略布局,与山区景观和周边森林保持着和谐。 除了更多的天然草地和自然保护区,节约用水外,还将第14洞的策略设计成植物性沼泽和生物过滤池,重新引导和收集上述住宅物业的径流,并重新进入清水 进入原生排水道。 水流今天清楚,就像高尔夫球场建成一样。


Through an extensive use of native grasses, a strict and selective tree clearing plan, and strategic placement of golf holes next to unique site features, Lodestone golf course remains in harmony with the mountainous landscape and surrounding forest. In addition to more natural grasses and natural areas saving water, a vegetative swale and bio-filter basin was designed into the strategy of the 14th hole to re-direct and collect runoff from the above residential property and cleanse the water before it re-enters into the native drainage ways. Water flows as clearly today as it did before the golf course was constructed.


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