
澳大利亚墨尔本雅拉河生物多样性链接Yarra River Biodiversity Link by McGregor Coxall

作者: 2024-04-12暂无评论


The nexus of several attractions coupled with the variety of public recreation, bike trails and sporting activities adjacent to the River’s environs present this section of the Yarra as a unique and special place in the hearts and minds of locals and visitors alike. Our initial response was to build on the existing activities and infrastructure to establish “Como Landing” as an upstream destination from Melbourne complementing the emerging waterfront quays and landings further down stream. We worked closely with the City of Stonnington to integrate the planting design and adjacent water habitat with existing and new infrastructure such as board walks, landings, seating, signage and viewing platforms. The resulting outcome is a significantly enhanced public realm which promotes genuine biodiversity and achieves a legacy of learning and interpretation for the many patrons who visit.



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