
军事纪念性景观 by MBAC

作者: 2024-07-11暂无评论

        军事社区在埃德蒙顿市有一个长期存在,并与之相连。这个项目的设计挑战 – 埃德蒙顿市和埃德蒙顿艺术委员会规定的这一联系的纪念,需要一种挑战典型的回顾性战争纪念碑的方法;一个健壮,庆祝的作品,能够动态捕捉现代军事的所有声音。

       The military community has a long-standing presence in – and connection with – the City of Edmonton. The design challenge for this project – the commemoration of this connection – as set out by the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Arts Council, required an approach that challenged the typical retrospective war memorial; a robust, celebratory piece capable of dynamically capturing all the voices of the modern military.

        The response is a project that actively acknowledges the joyous and challenging transition between civilian and military life, while simultaneously serving as a tribute the power of community; despite a physical absence, support from loved ones ensures our soldiers are always home.

         Compositionally, the project comprises a series of folded aluminum totemic elements that describe a multiplicity of paths through the site. Water jet cut into these totems, imagery that speaks to themes of peacekeeping, aid, community, and homecoming creates an aggregation of fractured scenes. Visitors are challenged to seek out and re-assemble the scenes, to be stitched together through their own experiences and associations. Activated by one’s movement through the site, memories come in and out of focus as visual connections are established, released, and reflected.


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