
阿卡迪亚国家公园以南的庄园景观 Northeast Harbor by Stephen Stimson Associates

作者: 2024-07-01暂无评论

这家酒店位于阿卡迪亚国家公园以南,并由大西洋的东方路线约束。 东部和西部的遮荫林地通过一系列游戏小径穿过陡峭的岩石露头连接到该地点。 在我们参与之前,历史悠久的家被夷为平地,宾馆正在建设,主楼的上部地点最近被炸毁。 一个继承的高潮森林,极浅的土壤,一个退化的溪流和原始的壁架,片段构成了一个严重的技术挑战,整合汽车法院,露台,草坪和步道的计划为家庭撤退。 设计探索人造空间与流经现场的重建景观之间的相互作用。 该项目重新定义了传统的空间恢复概念,并编织一个多元化和健康的植物群落,以清晰的设计形式为家庭的使用和享受。

This property lies due south of Acadia National Park and is bound by the Eastern Way of the Atlantic. Shady woodland to the east and west connects to the site through a system of game trails that traverse between steep rocky outcrops. Prior to our involvement, the historic home had been razed, the Guest House was in construction, and the upper site for the Main House had been recently blasted. Fragments of a successional climax forest, extremely shallow soils, a degraded stream, and raw ledge, posed severe technical challenges for integrating the program of auto courts, terraces, lawn, and trails for a family retreat. The design explores the interaction between the manmade spaces and the reconstructed landscape that flows across the site. The project re-defines the traditional notion of site restoration and weaves a diversified and healthier plant community with legible design form for the family’s use and enjoyment.


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