
阿尔法欧米茄酒庄 Alpha Omega Winery by Andrea Cochran

作者: 2024-12-03暂无评论

一个新设计的抵达法院和杰出的入场顺序宣布这个独家的纳帕谷酒庄的装修。 额外的设计元素包括一个四分之一英亩的石头反光坦克与喷泉,品尝露台,火坑,游客停车场和被遮阳伞遮蔽的庭院。

A newly designed arrival court and distinguished entry sequence announce the renovation of this exclusive Napa Valley Winery. Additional design elements include a quarter acre stone reflecting tank with fountains, a tasting terrace, fire pits, visitor parking and a patio shaded by pleached trees.

photography: ACLA


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