直到最近,这个占地3.5英亩的土地是附近工作牧场的维修保养。一堆木材和碎片堆满了一层填充物,创造了一个人造地貌,造成了一个既生态无生命又难看的地盘。结合景观设计师,建筑师和室内设计师的创意人才的合作努力,为物业创造了新的视野,将不安的景点重新定位为宜居景观,标志着周围牧区景观的遗产。这个住宅 – 在现代牧场设计的建筑结合在一起 – 是通过细心布置层层连接的户外聚集空间和策划当地植物社区来统一的。石头和木头的单一调色板通过简单而引人注目的表情无缝连接室内和室外空间。环境敏感和可持续的战略解决了水质,再造林和视觉特征,恢复了这个曾经遗弃的遗址的生态完整性。
Until recently, this 3.5-acre property was the maintenance boneyard for a nearby working ranch. Piles of wood and debris, covered with a layer of fill, had created an artificial landform, resulting in a site that was both ecologically lifeless and unsightly. A collaborative effort combining the creative talents of the landscape architect, architect and interior designer resulted in a new vision for the property, one that reimagines the disturbed site as a livable landscape, emblematic of the heritage of the surrounding pastoral landscape. The residence – a compound of structures designed in the modern ranch vernacular – is unified by the careful placement of layered and interconnected outdoor gathering spaces and curated native plant communities. A singular palette of stone and wood seamlessly connects indoor and outdoor space through simple and compelling expressions. Context-sensitive and sustainable strategies address water quality, reforestation and visual character, restoring ecological integrity to this once-derelict site.