
Leutschenpark by Westpol

作者: 2024-04-14暂无评论

Westpol Landschafts Architektur: Parc, boulevard and promenade are the meeting places of the quarter. The blue blossoming tree allee of the boulevard was created as counterpart to the restored ditch. The wodded, contaminated backstop was transformed to a oversized tree-pot, in the Leutschenpark. The tree-veil of Gelditsia triacanthos connects the different areas of the parc.

Landscape Architecture: Westpol Landschafts Architektur
Location: Leutschenbach Zürich / Switzerland
Client: Grün Stadt Zürich
Planning/realisation: 2002-2008
Service: competition 1st price, outline proposals until creative construction to practical completion
Artist: C.T. Hunziker
Architects: Müller Sigrist architects
Construction sum: 29 Mio CHF


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