
广场上的圆形冰雕装置艺术 Ice Watch, artwork by Olafur Eliasson

作者: 2024-12-04暂无评论

广场上的圆形冰雕装置艺术由 Olafur Eliasson设计

从格陵兰冰盖取出的12个大块冰块从一个峡湾收获,并在一个着名的公共场所以时钟结构呈现。 这项工作通过提供对融化北极冰的现实的直接和具体的经验,提高对气候变化的认识。 到目前为止,Ice Watch已经安装在两个地方。

第一次安装于2014年10月26日至29日在哥本哈根市政厅广场举行,以纪念联合国IPCC第五次气候变化评估报告的出版。 第二次安装于12月3日至13日在联合国气候大会COP21举行之际在巴黎的Place duPanthéon举行。


Twelve large blocks of ice cast off from the Greenland ice sheet are harvested from a fjord outside Nuuk and presented in a clock formation in a prominent public place. The work raises awareness of climate change by providing a direct and tangible experience of the reality of melting arctic ice. Ice Watch has been installed in two locations so far.

The first installation was in Copenhagen, at City Hall Square, from 26 to 29 October 2014, to mark the publication of the UN IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report on Climate Change. The second installation took place in Paris, at Place du Panthéon, from 3 to 13 December 2015, on the occasion of the UN Climate Conference COP21.


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