
加拿大弥敦菲利普广场 nathan phillips square by Hoerr Schaudt

作者: 2024-07-24暂无评论

Hoer Schaudt与PLANT建筑师事务所,STIP和Adrian Blackwell合作,赢得了在加拿大多伦多重建Nathan Phillips广场的国际大赛。 该项目的第一阶段是加拿大最大的可公开访问的绿色屋顶的设计,将市政厅的风扫席位变成了一个青翠的城市公园。 绿色屋顶的设计专门针对多伦多的恶劣气候,使用更深的土壤剖面,使草和本地多年生植物蓬勃发展。 这些种植提供高度,在如此巨大的空间中的重要设计元素,以及冬季纹理和季节性变色。


Hoerr Schaudt, in collaboration with PLANT Architect, Inc., STIP, and Adrian Blackwell, won an international competition to revitalize Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto, Canada. Phase One of the project was the design of Canada’s largest publicly accessible green roof, which transforms the wind-swept podium of City Hall into a verdant urban park. The design of the green roof responds specifically to Toronto’s harsh climate, using deeper soil profiles to allow grasses and native perennials to thrive. These plantings provide height, a significant design element within so vast a space, as well as winter texture and shifting seasonal color.

Awards: 2011 Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Award of Excellence


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