
“Edo—Ball” by Artist Andrew Archer

作者: 2021-10-282021年11月28日暂无评论

Artist Andrew Archer pays tribute to his love of basketball, Ukiyo-e art and Japanese culture with a series of hybrid works, each with their own unique story. While originally started in 2013 with 12 pieces, Archer recently completed another 10! See more images below. And click here to learn the stories behind each one.


Air Geisha



Shogun James



The Black Mamba



The Brodie



The Bunny



The Dirkiryo



The Durantula



The Gateway



The Ghost



The Greek Freak



The Klaw



The Object of Desire



The Offseason



The Reign Man



The Rock



The Splash Brothers



The Sumo Shaq



The Wolfpack



White Chocolate



Andrew Archer’s Website

Andrew Archer on Instagram


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