
纽约东哈莱姆学校 East Harlem School at Exodus House by Nelson Byrd Woltz

作者: 2024-04-09暂无评论

从东哈勒姆学派的使命提示,“通过促进智力,道德,美学和动觉发展来满足整个孩子的需求”,东哈勒姆学院庭院的设计旨在向学生介绍景观在城市环境中一般不会发现经验。在现有庭院的组成和结构框架内,纳尔逊·伯德·沃尔兹(Nelson Byrd Woltz)设计了一个种植计划,其中包括纽约州的植被,包括桦树,山茱萸和柳树。拟议的景观干预将6000平方英尺的L形庭院分为两个区域,保持学校的大型聚会空间和专门的篮球场。连接这两个主要区域的木板路将漂浮在蕨类植物的地平面上方,并在蜂蜜蝗虫树丛下方。将在周边的空间周围提供小型聚会的指定角落,其中NBW正在提出连接到现有种植者面孔的悬臂式长凳。超大磁性词坚持金属种植者,可以由学生操纵自发的诗歌,与学校的年度和着名的诗歌大满贯庆祝活动相呼应。在活跃的游戏区域,弧线将被画在地面上,模仿半空中篮球的抛物线弧。这些干预措施的目的是鼓励学生进行重点探索,并支持东哈勒姆学院的严谨课程。

Taking a cue from the mission of the East Harlem School, to “address the needs of the whole child by promoting intellectual, moral, aesthetic and kinesthetic development,” the design for the courtyard at the East Harlem School aims to introduce students to a landscape experience not typically found in an urban context. Working within the compositional and structural framework of the existing courtyard, Nelson Byrd Woltz devised a planting plan comprised of vegetation found throughout New York State, including River Birch, Dogwood, and Willow. The proposed landscape interventions divide the 6000- square foot L-shaped courtyard into two zones, maintaining the school’s large gathering space and dedicated basketball courts. A boardwalk connecting these two primary zones will float above a ground plane of ferns, and below a grove of honey locust trees. Designated nooks for smaller gatherings will be provided around the perimeter of the space, where NBW is proposing cantilevered benches attached to the faces of existing planters. Oversized magnetic words adhere to the metal planters and can be manipulated into spontaneous poetry by the students, echoing the school’s annual and renowned poetry slam celebration. In the active play area, arcs will be painted on the ground, mimicking the parabolic arc of a basketball in mid-air. The intention of these interventions is to encourage a focused exploration among the students, and to support the rigorous curriculum of the East Harlem School.


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