

作者: 2024-04-05暂无评论

Aralia景观建筑师由我们的住宅客户委托为整个乡村庄园建立一个总体规划包括大约。 半英亩。 这个美丽的乡村庄园的风格是古典的性质,但与当代花园的功能微妙的相互作用。 Aralia喜欢历史遗产的风格,并从其建筑灵感,结合天然石材和新的当代橡木,以补充和统一的乡村花园设计整体。


Aralia Landscape Architects were commissioned by our residential clients to create a masterplan for the whole country estate comprising of circa. half an acre. The style for this beautiful country estate was to be classical in nature but with a delicate interplay of contemporary garden features. Aralia loved the style of the historical property and took inspiration from its architecture, combining natural stone materials & new contemporary oak to complement and unify the country estate garden design overall.

Aralia provided a full Design & Build service for this landscape project, taking the project from concept through to full implementation of the whole masterplan.


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