
墨西哥通道艺术纸灯 passage paper lights by Ivan Juarez

作者: 2024-04-15暂无评论

位于墨西哥圣路易斯波托西市历史中心的当代艺术博物馆(MAC)是该城的邮局,Ivan Juarez 直到2006年,它开始转化为博物馆,然后开放为MAC三年后。
专门针对作为MAC的一部分的公共空间设想的现场具体干预,通道,纸灯,反映了建筑的原始功能和意义 – 信件和文件的地方,遇到的地方,欲望和个人故事。干预使用Papel Picado(切纸),在墨西哥恢复和探索这种伟大的手工艺术传统。

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), located in the historic center of the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, was the city’s post office for 100 years until 2006, when it began its conversion into a museum, and then opened as the MAC three years later.

The site specific intervention, Passage, paper lights, conceived specifically for the public space that is part of the MAC, reflects on the original function and meaning of the building – a place of letters and papers, a place of encounters, desires and personal stories. The intervention uses Papel Picado (paper cutting), recovering and exploring this great handmade craft tradition in Mexico.

A series of handmade pieces suspended between the urban space and sunlight, become membranes that filter natural light, creating a path of lights and shadows in the public space. The viewers experience, through the journey of the passage, different ways of approaching and perceiving the building and its relation to the historic city.

A project done in collaboration with Elva Gonzalez
and with the collaboration of Roberto Gárate Ferretiz, artisan from the neighborhood of San Sebastian
curator: Antonio García Acosta


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