
公交站设计Providence Rapid Transit Improvements

作者: 2024-04-03暂无评论

2010年,RIPTA和普罗维登斯市共同完成了宜居社区交通走廊项目,旨在提高城市五条最繁忙的过境路线的公共交通的有效性,创造社区中心,实现城市的宜居性和可持续发展目标。该项目的主要基础设施投资是沿着广泛和北部主要街道R-Line-建立了RIPTA的第一条快速巴士服务。 R线是RIPTA的首要运输服务,为乘客创造了一种类似铁路的体验。该项目还着重于如何使较少使用的路线更加过境,并准备将来成为快速巴士路线。
KMDG制定了设计指南,作为过境走廊项目的重要组成部分。他们详细介绍了停车位,视线,行人运动,交通模式和乘客数量等设施的停车建议,例如过境庇护所,公共艺术,座位,垃圾桶和自行车架。他们为RIPTA和城市提供了一个循序渐进的指南,实施过境设施和行人改善,使公共交通工具成为一个放置工具。 KMDG还开发了一个艺术家电话,帮助艺术家的选择,并管理艺术家作品的最终细节,以适应住房设计。

         In 2010, RIPTA and the City of Providence jointly completed the Transportation Corridors to Livable Communities project, which seeks to increase the effectiveness of public transit along the City’s five busiest transit routes in creating community hubs and achieving the City’s livability and sustainability goals. A major infrastructure investment of the project is the creation of RIPTA’s first Rapid Bus service along Broad and North Main Streets—the R-Line-. The R-Line is RIPTA’s premier transit service, creating a rail-like experience for passengers. The project also focused on ways to make less heavily used routes more transit friendly and prepare them to become Rapid Bus routes in the future.

KMDG crafted design guidelines as a key component in the transit corridor project. They detail stop-by-stop recommendations for amenities such as transit shelters, public art, seating, trash cans, and bike racks based on stop location, sight lines, pedestrian movements, traffic patterns and ridership counts. They provide RIPTA and the City with a step-by-step guide to implement transit amenities and pedestrian improvements so that public transit serves as a placemaking tool. KMDG also developed a call for artists, helped facilitate the selection of artists and managed the final detailing of artist works to fit into the shelter designs.


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