

作者: 2024-04-11暂无评论

          与合作研究中心相关的新景观空间的设计建立在洛克菲勒大学校园的独特品质以及Dan Kiley早期对其设计的贡献的遗产中,并实施了当代的可持续性伦理学。这些新的空间将包括一个花园露台,在校园里的其他人的传统,将活动扩展到景观,一个下沉的庭院,庆祝校园的地形层次和激活史密斯霍尔的下层办公室,以及一个入口景观恢复尊严到校园的北边缘。


           The design for the ensemble of new landscape spaces associated with the Collaborative Research Center builds upon the unique qualities of the Rockefeller University campus and the legacy of Dan Kiley’s earlier contributions to its design, and enforces a contemporary ethic of sustainability. These new spaces will include a garden terrace in the tradition of others on campus that extend activity out into the landscape, a sunken courtyard that celebrates the topographic layering of the campus and enlivens the lower level offices of Smith Hall, and an entry landscape that restores dignity to the northern edge of campus.

A new Collaborative Research Center roof top garden will be experientially distinct from the adjacent central promenade yet materially and spatially related to it, borrowing and then transforming the promenade’s distinctive marble paving pattern and plant palette. The main, central walkway to the new CRC building reinforces the relationship of the building to the promenade and to the other buildings that share frontage along this important landscape corridor. Elsewhere in the garden the marble paving expands into wider fields, creating gathering spaces of various sizes for sitting and relaxing. Dense plantings selected for their microclimatic suitability, their seasonal characteristics, and for the symbolism of their various medicinal uses will surround the space, providing a sense of intimacy. At the northern end of the garden, a new fountain pool creates a focal point, engaging users through sight and sound.


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