
Northeastern红砖铺装的大学景观 by Stephen Stimson Associates

作者: 2024-04-10暂无评论

在波士顿Roxbury邻区的东北校园的南边缘,国际村是一个混合使用的复合体,宿舍,餐厅,零售和办公空间。 四个建筑围绕着一个新的公共绿色,连接车站到校园,作为一个校园网关,连接到MBTA Ruggles站的主入口到Tremont街附近的社区。 务实推理,简单的细节和空间开放创造了一个促进社区使用的城市景观。 竹屋顶花园为建筑物的居民提供了开放空间。 花园位于餐厅地面上方的二楼,设计有令人注目的视觉感兴趣的花园水平和从上面的看法。 一系列线性种植床与屋顶的长轴一起运行,形成了多种灵活使用的空间。

At the southern edge of the Northeastern campus in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, the International Village is a mixed use complex of dormitory, dining commons, retail and office space. The four buildings are organized around a new civic green that connects the station to the campus, acting as a campus gateway and connecting the main entrance to the MBTA Ruggles Station to the neighborhoods across Tremont Street. Pragmatic reasoning, simple detailing and spatial openness create an urban landscape that promotes community use. A bamboo roof top garden provides open space for the residents of the buildings. The garden is located on the second floor above the dining commons and is designed to have compelling visual interest from the garden level and from the view above. A series of linear planting beds run with the long axis of the roof top creating a variety of spaces for flexible use.


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