
由巴西滨海的“渐变叶子”组成的悬挂装置艺术 amendoa suspended eaves by Ivan Juarez

作者: 2024-04-15暂无评论

海滩杏仁(Terminalia catappa),以葡萄牙语称为Amêndoa或Amendoeira-da-praia,是巴西沿海地区最具代表性的树木之一。它是一棵可以长到35米高的大树,其顶部的特征是它们的层叠形状彼此重叠,产生非常宽阔的玻璃叶子。正是由于这个原因,它在巴西的许多城市也被称为Sete-copas(七顶)。它的大叶片也用于传统医学,可以测量30厘米以上,八月开始黄色,然后逐渐变红,最终在完全干燥之前下降。在许多情况下,一些叶子抵抗下降直到最后一刻,当新的芽出现在春天或直到强风使他们下来。在冬天,在巴西海岸的城市景观中,他们的落叶覆盖了街道和广场,创造出不同色调的自然表面。
悬挂的叶子Amêndoa是由Itaparica岛上海岸的棕榈树风景悬挂的膜组成。由风景本身设计的片段是通过不同颜色的马赛克生成的 – 从黄色和橙色到赭色,聚集在一个大型海滨杏仁树下的叶子被悬挂在坐落在风景和阳光之间的地幔中,并遮蔽它并过滤自然光。全天候,景观中的光线可以通过与明亮的日光相媲美的自然玫瑰灯产生不同的反射和颜色。这是一片从远处看起来很坚实的东西,但在接近和居住时变得脆弱和微妙。
x-studio :: Ivan Juarez


The Beach Almond (Terminalia catappa), called Amêndoa or Amendoeira-da-praia in Portuguese, is one of the most representative trees of the Brazilian coastal area. It is a large tree that can grow up to 35 meters tall, with tops that are characterized by their laminated shapes that overlap one another creating a very broad glass foliage. It is for this reason that it is also known in many cities of Brazil as Sete-copas (Seven tops). Its large leaves, also used in traditional medicine, can measure more than 30cm and begin to yellow in August to then gradually reden and eventually fall before becoming completely dry. In many cases, some leaves resists falling until the last moment when new shoots emerge in spring or until a strong wind brings them down. In winter, in the urban landscapes off the coast of Brazil, their fallen leaves cover streets and squares creating natural surfaces of different shades.

The piece Amêndoa, suspended leaves, consists in creating a fragile membrane suspended in a landscape of palm trees on the coast of the island of Itaparica. A piece designed by the landscape itself is generated through a mosaic of leaves of different colors – from yellow and orange to ocher, red, and intense wines. The leaves, gathered under a large beachfront almond tree, are suspended in a mantle that sits between the landscape and sunlight, interrupting it and filtering natural light. Throughout the day, the light in the landscape varies generating different reflections and colors on the piece by way of natural rose lights that contrast with bright daylight. This is a piece that looks solid from a distance but becomes fragile and delicate when approached and inhabited.

x-studio :: Ivan Juarez

A project supported by the Institute Sacatar


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