
Tokyo 庭院的立方体雕塑 by Wolfgang Buttress

作者: 2024-04-15暂无评论

以清晰的立方体为中心,球体看起来浮动。 从某些角度来看,光的平方对齐以在其赤道之上产生平行于立方体面的十字。 灵感来自太阳的生命力的手写词似乎收集在密集的水平圆圈中,这些圆圈被堆叠以勾勒出球体。 这是由西方艺术家赢得的鹿岛基金会雕塑比赛的第一个金牌获得者。
方形,球形和十字形是构建基础的元素形状,与雕塑,建筑与空间的竞争主题相呼应。 他们也回顾了日本审美的极简主义,Tanizaki Junichiro在他的“赞美阴影”一书中认为。 在各个层面上,雕塑都体现了沉思。


Images: Yamakami, Dominic Kincaid

Centred within a clear cube, a sphere appears to float. From certain angles, squares of light align to create crosses above its equator, parallel to the cube faces. Close up, handwritten words inspired by the sun’s life force, seem to collect in dense horizontal circles, which are stacked to outline the sphere. This is Space, the first Gold Winner of the Kajima Foundation Sculpture competition to be won by a Western artist.

The square, sphere and cruciform are elemental shapes which are basic to architecture, resonating with the competition theme of Sculpture, Architecture and Space. They also echo the minimalism of the Japanese aesthetic, something Junichiro Tanizaki considered in his book In Praise of Shadows. At all levels, SPACE embodies and invites contemplation.


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