

作者: 2024-04-12暂无评论

Katong广场是一个具有里程碑意义的综合开发项目,位于东海岸路一段充满活力的区域。包括商业,酒店和零售空间,包括两家酒店 – 靛蓝加东酒店和智选假日酒店 – 以及一系列餐饮,娱乐选择,新开发肯定会提升一大堆生活方式选择新加

建筑师将可持续的区域主义应用于对独特网站的主要架构响应。该项目将显示前Joo Chiat警察局的保护,以及增加新的建筑物。传统的Peranakan图案和图案通过当代镜头进行了解释 – 既兼顾美学和功能的目的。在“Indigo”酒店外观的“鳍”特别明显,这让人联想到传统的商店橱窗。 Peranakan灵感的图案还装饰穿孔金属天花板,在现场的主入口排列行人天篷。在这里,阳光被轻轻扩散到高通风空间,


Katong Square is a landmark mixed-use development that sits along a vibrant section of East Coast Road. Containing commercial, hospitality and retail spaces, including two hotels – the Hotel Indigo Katong and the Holiday Inn Express – together with a host of dining, entertainment options, the new development is certain to elevate the array of lifestyle choices available in one of the most historic parts of Singapore.

Architects applied sustainable regionalism as the main architectural response to a unique site. The project would see the conservation of the former Joo Chiat Police station, together with the addition of newer structures. Traditional Peranakan patterns and motifs were interpreted through a contemporary lens – serving both aesthetic and functional purposes. This is particularly evident in the ‘fins’ that line the exterior of the Hotel Indigo guestrooms, which are reminiscent of traditional shophouse screens. Peranakan inspired motifs also adorn the perforated metal ceiling that lines the pedestrian canopy at the site’s main entrance. Here, sunlight is gently diffused into the high, ventilated space


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