
Diamond Teague滨海公园 by labindc

作者: 2024-04-13暂无评论

钻石Teague公园,在Anacostia河(美国最污染的河)附近,是通往新兴的SE海滨社区和娱乐区的门户 – 这是一个标志性的公民空间和河边填海的案例研究。

这是河边上唯一可以直接通向水的地方;从陆地方面,公众被带到水的边缘和从河,建造两个新的码头,一个为水出租汽车和另一个为独木舟和皮船,带来人乘小船到附近。它整合再生实践和环境教育,以提高对我们的社会和生态系统之间的相互关系的认识,是地球保护团的总部,这是一个涉及社区孩子管理和恢复河流的组织。它也是Anacostia Riverwalk最西端的一段。批准程序特别复杂:批准与几个地区和联邦机构协调,包括NPS,工程师陆军部队,海岸警卫队,鱼和野生动物管理局和国土安全。


Diamond Teague Park, on the Anacostia River (the most polluted river in the US), is the gateway to the emerging SE Waterfront neighborhood and its entertainment district–both an iconic civic space and a case study in riverfront reclamation.

It is the only place on the riverfront that has direct access to the water; from the land side, the public is brought to the water’s edge and from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat. It integrates regenerative practices and environmental education to increase awareness about the interrelationships between our social and ecological systems and is the HQ of the Earth Conservation Corps, an organization that involves neighborhood kids in the stewardship and restoration of the river. It is also the westernmost segment of the Anacostia Riverwalk. The approvals process was especially complex: approvals were coordinated with and among several District and federal agencies, including the NPS, Army Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Fish and Wildlife Service and Homeland Security.


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