
澳大利亚南港布罗德沃特公园 Southport Broadwater Parklands by AECOM

作者: 2024-04-19暂无评论

重建南澳大利亚Broadwater Parklands作为澳大利亚伟大的前滨公园之一 – 这个城市的标志性门户和一个受欢迎的目的地,活动,历史和水相结合,创造一个活跃的绿色海滨。金海岸城市委员会委托AECOM制定了Parklands的总体规划,并通过了第一阶段的施工。 AECOM对广泛的自然环境的反应反映了对公园内生态系统保护的承诺,将推动黄金海岸进入可持续设计的下一个演变。可再生能源,如光伏面板,将为园区提供能源,以期完成项目所有阶段的自给自足。水敏感城市设计措施将对雨水和上游集水区进行处理,重新利用水进行非饮用目的,重新建立天然水循环。服务将适应替代运输方式,如自行车。主要由回收塑料构成的城市家具将低嵌入式能源材料推向现代设计领域,成为公众认知的前沿。清晰的“公民”计划与Broadwater永远的自然之美的结合将强烈地界定公园是休闲,放松和主要社区活动的充满活力的地方。对于该项目,AECOM被澳大利亚景观设计师协会(AILA)授予了2010年度国家景观设计设计奖。


Exemplary landscape, urban and environmental design is set to reinvent Southport Broadwater Parklands as one of Australia’s great foreshore parks – an iconic gateway for the city and a popular destination, where events, history and water combine to create an active green waterfront.Gold Coast City Council commissioned AECOM to develop the master plan for the Parklands, through to the delivery of the first stage of construction. AECOM’s response to the broadwater’s natural environment reflects a commitment to ecosystem preservation within the parkland that will propel the Gold Coast into the next evolution of sustainable design.Renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels, will provide energy to the parkland, with a view to self-suffciency upon completion of all stages of the project. Water sensitive urban design measures will treat stormwater and upstream catchments, re-use water for non-potable purposes and re-establish the natural water cycle. Services will cater for alternative transport modes, such as bicycles. Urban furniture constructed largely of recycled plastic will thrust low embedded energy materials into the realm of contemporary design and to the forefront of public perception.The combination of a clear “civic” program and the ever-present natural beauty of the Broadwater will strongly define the Parklands as a vibrant place for recreation, relaxation and major community events. For the project, AECOM was awarded the 2010 National Landscape Architecture Award for Design by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).


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