
美国丹佛三角广场Triangle Plaza by Design Workshop

作者: 2024-04-03暂无评论

丹佛最新的公共空间三角广场代表了这个古典西方城市的小城市空间的转变。 新建的城市广场位于一条前铁路走廊,将被遗弃的街道转变成了一个超级活跃的城市空间,设计细节让人联想到前街。

广场是观光和互动的城市舞台,有盖的户外用餐露台和联合车站和百事可乐中心之间的主要步行连接。 严谨的设计细节和技术创新,创造出独特的体验,摆放,摇摆,流淌和流通。 锚地广场的南部边缘是“秋千”,其中包括六个定制设计的摆放在弯曲的铁路轨道上的摆动。 秋千,五十尺长的木凳和丰富的铺路的组合让人想起前一条轨道,为邻里居民,游客和上班族创造了独一无二的体验。

Denver’s newest public space, Triangle Plaza, represents a shift in how small urban spaces perform in this classically western city. Located in a former railroad corridor turned abandoned street right-of-way, the new urban plaza was conceived of as a hyper-active urban space with design details reminiscent of the former railyards.

The plaza serves as an urban stage for people-watching and interaction, a covered outdoor dining terrace and a major pedestrian link between Union Station and the Pepsi Center. Rigorous design detailing and technical innovations create distinct experiences to sit, swing, linger and circulate. Anchoring the plaza’s southern edge is the ‘swing forest,’ which consists of six custom-designed swings affixed to curved railroad rails. The combination of the swings, a fifty-foot-long wooden bench and rich paving reminiscent of the former tracks create a one-of-a-kind experience for the neighborhood’s residents, visitors and office workers.


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