

作者: 2024-04-03暂无评论

我们为Calle Roure的圆形空间设计了一个迷宫。我们喜欢将迷宫的想法纳入入口的想法。莱里达市的入口是新的绿色大门。该项目由一个圆圈和新的广场组成:


We have designed a maze for the circular space in Calle Roure. We like incorporating the idea of a labyrinth into the idea of an entrance. The city entrance to Lleida is a new green gate. The project is made up of a circle and new square for the city:

The circle ends in a labyrinthine pattern, made up of bands of planting and brick paving.

The square is split up by green areas; a maze of trees and low shrubs that are visible from the roadway. This greenery helps organise the neighbourhood’s leisure activities with bars, children’s play areas, benches and pedestrian pathways. The two streets that feed into the square will be pedestrianised, using natural stone paving, and they will be softened by new tree planting and small green spaces which will punctuate the entrances to residential buildings. From one side of the circle a wide sculptural light source will illuminate the whole square, underlining both the idea of the community that inhabits a public space and the street party concept as a mark of collective identity. A new sculpture installed in the middle of the circle will become the landmark that makes this place stand out from the rest of the city.


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