
泰国Purple Elephant国际学校 ,一个森林空中花园 by Tectonix Limited

作者: 2024-04-10暂无评论

Purple Elephant位于曼谷中央商务区的心脏地带,是早年学生的国际学校。Tectonix景观设计公司于2016年被任命为新校园的景观设计顾问。目前已有许多现有的树木由单一的房屋围成空间。

设计策略是:1,保留所有现有的树木。 2,尽可能地最大限度地提高地面上的原始绿地面积。3,提供学校要求的许多功能空间。4,通过创建学校的理念,提高学校的理念可持续设计。5.将所有人造元素伪装成自然景观。

我们决定将所有功能空间提升到地面以上,并将所有空间连接起来,将所有空间连接起来, 在学校内部建立“森林”。所有升高的走道,创造出发现感,在整个花园中都有很好的连接,位于不同层次的“Nook”,提供户外教室和儿童多功能空间。设计策略性地整合了花园,游乐场和户外教室,作为一个大花园,让“孩子们”能够以自己的想象力和创造力发挥、留住和学习。


Located in the heart of Bangkok’s CBD, Purple Elephant is an International School for early years student. Landscape Tectonix Limited was appointed as a landscape design consultant for its new campus in 2016.

There have been many existing trees on site surrounded by single houses as neighbor.

The design strategies are:
1. to keep all existing trees on site
2. to maximize the virgin green area on ground as much as we can
3. to provide many functional spaces required by the school
4. to enhance the school’s philosophy by creating the sustainable design
5. to camouflage all man-made elements into the nature.

We decided to raise up all functional spaces “above” the ground as an elevated structure and connect all spaces an elevated walkway to capitalize the virgin green on the ground creating “the forest” inside the school.

All elevated walkways, created sense of discovery, are well connected throughout the garden with “Nooks” located in different levels providing the outdoor classrooms and multi-function spaces for children.

The design is strategically integrated garden, playground and outdoor classroom as one large garden allowing “Kid” to play, stay and learn with their own imagination and creativity.



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