
从空气中收集饮用水装置Warka Water 1 by Vision

作者: 2024-04-15暂无评论

在埃塞俄比亚农村,妇女和儿童走几个小时收集水。大多数人从与动物分享的浅水,无保护的池塘收集水,并受到污染。 Warka Water’是一个9米高的竹框架,里面装有特殊的织物,可以通过冷凝从空气中收集饮用水。轻质结构设计有参数计算,但可以由村民用当地技能和材料构建。该塔组装成分段,从上到下安装。结构可以由4名男子抬起并固定在地上,不需要脚手架。织物可以降下来进行维护。 Warka Water 1是近2年来在7个原型中创建和构建的初始版本。在这些原型中,只有一个仍然可用,并且在野外的AV车间永久安装在Bomarzo。该原型用于测试所需的材料和结构阻力,维护和赔偿活动。

In rural Ethiopia women and children walk several hours to collect water. Most people collect water from shallow, unprotected ponds which they share with animals and are subject to contamination. ‘Warka Water’ is a 9 m tall bamboo framework with a special fabric hanging inside capable to collect potable water from the air by condensation. The lightweight structure is designed with parametric computing, but can be built with local skills and materials by the village inhabitants. The tower is assembled in sections and installed from top down. The structure can be lifted and fixed to the ground by 4 men, no scaffolding needed. The fabric can be lowered for maintenance. Warka Water 1 is the initial version created and constructed in 7 prototypes along almost 2 years. Of those prototypes only one is still available and it is permanently installed in Bomarzo at the AV workshop outside in the field. This prototype is used to test materials and structure resistance, maintenance and reparation activities needed.


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