
f的独栋院子f-house by pitsou

作者: 2024-04-02暂无评论

历史的曙光,“公共”建筑 – 由教会和国家机构建造的建筑,是塑造群众意识的工具。它的巨大的维度,空间的布局和材料的选择都是为了在观众和访客中创造出一种在每个维度之间移动的感觉 – 从日常到简单的,往往较差的 – 令人高兴的,令人振奋的和令人敬畏的威严的地方 – 向被赋予特权的人们的家园 – 地球上的神的代表。
西方现代建筑旨在摆脱基于宣传的基础,反映社会价值观,文化和技术能力。它旨在为一个国家政府的公众和目标服务 – 不再是圣地的形式,而是作为欢迎和民主的功能性公共建筑。因此,近几个世纪以来,改变访客心态的重要性几乎完全不存在于设计话语中。

Since the dawn of history, ‘public’ architecture – the architecture constructed by institutions of church and state, served as a tool in shaping the consciousness of the masses. Its massive dimensions, layout of spaces, and choice of materials, were all done with the objective of creating in the viewer and visitor a sense of moving between dimensions – from the day-to-day, the simple and the often inferior – to a place that is sublime, inspiring and of awesome majesty – homes to those among the people raised to privilege– the representatives of God on earth.

The Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, influenced by the Nile which flows in linear manner, designed their temples as a voluminous physical experience. En route, temple visitors move over long stretches that become more convoluted and ever deeper, passing through spaces where each exposes a clue to the next, and where each transition appears to take you closer to the exalted and the shocking, which only the favored will get to see.

Western modern architecture sought to break free of its propaganda-based foundations and serve as a reflection of the values of a society, its culture, and its technological capabilities. It is intended to serve the public and the objectives of a nation’s government – no longer in the form of holy places, but as functional public buildings that are welcoming and democratic in nature. Accordingly, the importance of changing the mind-set of the visitor has been almost entirely absent from the design discourse in recent centuries.


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